Wild Rift vs League of Legends Comparison

Riot Games League of Legends has finally been adapted into a mobile game called Wild Rift. But instead of adapting LoL to the new port, Riot decided to build Wild Rift from scratch. This means that Wild Rift will actually be quite different from the League of Legends PC version. Here’s a breakdown of Wild Rift vs League of Legends differences to give you an idea.

Control and Gameplay

The biggest difference between Wild Rift and League of Legends is how it is played. Playing on mobile means ditching the comfort and accuracy provided by a mouse and keyboard. But Riot made sure that this issue was addressed by revamping the controls in a dual control stick style with a different aiming system to make targeting easier.

league of legends wild rift gameplay
Photo Source: USGamer.com

Players can control their champions with this dual-control scheme located at the bottom half of their screen. The left side has a moving cursor similar to an analog stick for players to move the champions in different directions. While the right side is used to click on attacks/abilities. It also includes specific buttons for targeting enemy champions and turrets. 

The Summoner Spells and Recall Button, on the other hand, is located towards the center of the dual-control system.

Another thing is that in Wild Rift, your champion is set to automatically target the minion with the lowest health. Using long-ranged ability also causes the camera to zoom out for more accurate targeting.


League of Legends has 145 champions in their current roster, but not all of them will be featured in Wild Rift. Instead, Riot chose 40 champions for the game’s release.

Here is the complete list of Wild Rift champions:

wild rift champions
Photo Source: League of Legends
  • Ahri
  • Alistair
  • Annie
  • Aurelion Sol
  • Ashe
  • Blitzcrank
  • Braum
  • Camille
  • Ezreal
  • Fiora
  • Fizz
  • Garen
  • Gragas
  • Graves
  • Janna
  • Jax
  • Jhin
  • Jinx
  • Lux
  • Malphite
  • Master Yi
  • Miss Fortune
  • Nami
  • Nasus
  • Olaf
  • Orianna
  • Shyvana
  • Soraka
  • Tryndamere
  • Twisted Fate
  • Vayne
  • Vi
  • Xin Zhao
  • Yasuo
  • Zed
  • Ziggs

Wild Rift also features turntable animations to allow players to look at their chosen champion and skins.

Champion Abilities

Several of these champions’ abilities have also been modified to accommodate the mobile gameplay. Here are the champions whose abilities were changed in Wild Rift.

  • Ashe – Enchanted Crystal Arrow
Wild Rift Ashe

Ashe’s Enchanted Crystal Arrow can now be controlled with a turning circle to better target enemies.

  • Miss Fortune – Double Up
Wild Rift Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune’s Double Up targeting input has been changed into direction-targeted instead of unit-targeted.

  • Lux – Basic Attack
Wild Rift Lux

Lux’s basic attack has been changed into non-projectile.

  • Nasus – Siphoning Strike
Wild Rift Nasus

Nasus’ Siphoning Strike now receives more stacks from killing.

  • Shyvana – Dragon’s Descent
Wild Rift Shyvana

Shyvana’s gain bonus effects on all her abilities while Dragon’s Descent is activated from slaying the elemental dragons. Killing the Infernal Drake grants her bonus damage to her skill, Flame Breath. Killing the Mountain Drake, on the other hand, adds slow to her skill, Twin Bite.

  • Twisted Fate – Stacked Desk
Wild Rift Twisted Fate

Twisted Fate’s Stacked Deck grants a higher amount of attack speed.

  • Vayne – Silver Bullets
Wild Rift Vayne

Vayne’s Silver Bullets grant attack speed for 3 attacks. Any silver bolt triggered during this time can grant healing equal to the damage the silver bolt did.

Wild Rift Items

The number of items available in Wild Rift is fewer compared to what League of Legends has. The price, stats, and active and passive effects for many of these items have also been decreased. But new passive effects were added for some of the existing items to compensate for these changes.

There are also active items in Wild Rift that can only be purchased by one player on each team. New items were also made exclusively for Wild Rift, including the Tear of Goddess that has been made for tank champions.

Wild Rift Boots
Photo Source: LeagueofLegends.Fandom.com

Developers also noted that the Basic Boots can be upgraded into one of the five Advanced Boots, and will be the only active items in Wild Rift.

In Wild Rift’s gameplay, icons of recommended items that players can afford will show on the left side of the screen. This allows players to purchase the item by simply clicking the icon.

Wild Rift Runes
Photo Source: ZillionGamer.com

In Wild Rift, all of the rune pages will be preset for a quick setup. Each of the preset rune pages will be made of one path and four runes, including keystone. While one path’s main rune will be the Font of Life.

Here are the following Keystones with preset paths:

  • Aftershock
  • Conqueror
  • Electrocute
  • Fleet Footwork
  • Grasp of the Undying
  • Kleptomancy
  • Summon Aery
LoL Wild Rift Runes
Photo Source: Wild Rift Reddit

Some changes have also been made for the following Runes:

  • Conqueror stacks up to 5 times.
  • Grasp of the Undying healing reduction on ranged champions has been increased to 60%.
  • Kleptomancy has been made available as a keystone choice.
  • Manaflow Bond grants mana from hitting an enemy champion with an empowered attack.

New runes have also been added in the game including:

  • Hunter
  • Mastermind
  • Loyalty
  • Pack Hunter
  • Spirit Walker
  • Sweet Tooth
Monsters and Buffs

Certain changes have been made to the neutral monsters on Wild Rift’s map. These include the following:

  • Blue Sentinel and Red Brambleback become stronger during the later stage of the game.
  • Elder Dragon is elemental as well, similar to League of Legends. They spawn in either four elements: Cloud Drake, Infernal Drake, Oceanic Drake, and Mountain Drake.
  • Crest of Insights now grants bonus health regeneration.
Splash Arts and Icons
Wild Rift Janna Original Skin

Many of the game’s splash arts and icons have been ported from League of Legends. But there are some splash arts which have been tweaked to match the champions’ current appearances.

The new splash arts that were added including Dreadknight Garen, Janna and Soraka’s new original splash arts.

While items that receive new icons include the Amplifying Tome, Boots of Speed, Long Sword, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Sapphire Crystal, Stinger, Trinity Force, and Void Staff.


Wild Rift’s Alpha Test has already been released in Brazil and the Philippines to improve the game before its official launch. But the Riot Games confirmed that fans can expect its full release before the year ends. For future updates about Wild Rift, you can follow our Official Facebook Page.

Learn tips on playing Wild Rift by clicking this link or the icon below: 

Wild Rift Tips and Guide

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