League of Legends Tales of Runeterra Cinematics

Riot has released a strategy card game set in the League of Legends universe titled Legends of Runeterra. To promote their new game, Riot released a group of short animated videos last month, which they called Tales of Runeterra.

And as we all have seen in the past, Riot is incredibly good at producing cinematic trailers for League of Legends. With this in mind, we decided to feature these animated videos for today’s post.

Before Glory

Two aspiring young warriors tried to sneak into a Demacian training arena in Ehrenmount. There, they dreamt of following the footsteps of their heroes, Garen Crownguard, the Might of Demacia, and Fiora Laurent, the Grand Duelist.

The Raid

A young mother defends her tribe from a brutal attack from Lissandra’s henchmen. To ensure the safety of her infant child, she decided to entrust him to Braum before turning to face her enemies alone.

None Escape

A Buhru priestess, along with her acolyte son has to brave the perils of the Black Mist, to renew the magical wards surrounding the Shadow Isles. However, her acolyte son came face to face with a truly horrifying foe.

After Victory

Darius, with Captain Farron and his victorious war hosts, demands the king of Urtis to surrender his throne. Along with it comes an offer for all of his citizens a place in the Noxian empire.

This cinematic trailer tells the origin story of Trifarian Gloryseeker, a Noxian soldier who is featured in the Legends of Runeterra game.

True Genius

Jinx just stole Heimerdinger’s latest hextech creation, which causes him to send his unfortunate apprentice in a wild goose chase throughout the City of Piltover as well as beneath it, in the place called Zaun.

The Lesson

Akali learns a valuable lesson from her former Kinkou master, Shen, after they encountered a young woodcutter. This young man happened to disrupt the balance of Ionia, causing trouble for them all.

Double-Double Cross

Down on the slaughter docks, Miss Fortune springs a trap to catch two unwanted criminals who work as partners, Graves, and Twisted Fate. But soon, she finds that her luck seems to have turned against her.

This cinematic trailer is said to be a direct sequel to the short story titled Destiny and Fate.


Tales of Runeterra is Riot’s official short video compilation for League of Legends outside of its Workshop videos. This project was first revealed during the League of Legends 10th Anniversary streams.

Legends of Runeterra is a free-to-play strategic card video game for Microsoft Windows PC, and for Android and iOS mobile devices. It lets you choose your favorite League of Legends champions and combine cards from different regions to build your perfect deck.

To know more about this game, you can visit this link: https://playruneterra.com.

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