Best Zombie Games in Gaming History

Admit it or not, zombie games have always fascinated us. There is always something thrilling about slaying these monsters and the satisfaction it can bring after surviving the game. That’s why for today, we’re naming five of the best horror zombie games in history.

Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2 and its prequel game are no doubt the best zombie-survival games ever. It lets you take control of one of the four new survivors, namely Coach, Ellis, Nick, and Rochelle. But what makes the game exciting is it allows you to play with your friends and kill a horde of zombies together. It was released in 2009, and up to this date, no game can ever beat its co-op zombie-slaying experience. As well, as the variety of Special Infected zombies it has to offer, including that terrifying Witch. Honestly, I’m sure a lot of gamers are still waiting for Valve to officially announce a Left 4 Dead 3. 

The House of Dead

The House of Dead was one of the first zombie-survival arcade games I have ever played. It was first released in 1997 and was followed by a Microsoft Window version the next year. The game plays the role of agents Thomas Rogan and “G” as they fight against the terrifying zombies. Curien through his inhumane experiments. The game was so popular it spawned three more games in the series. By 2011, a remastered version of the game was also released for PS3. There is also a spin-off game that was created, The Typing of the Dead: Overkill, which you can download on your PC.

Resident Evil

Resident Evil, also known as Biohazard, was a survival horror game created by Capcom and was released in 2002. Unknown to many, it was actually a remake of the 1996 game Resident Evil, the first installment in the Resident Evil franchise. The game features the famous characters Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine as they try to know the mystery behind Umbrella’s super-soldier experiments. Arguably it is the most popular zombie game franchise ever, spawning its own film series that stars Milla Jovovich as Alice, an original character from the movie. A remastered version of this game was also released on Steam last January 2015.

The Last of Us

The Last of Us is one of, if not, the best visually stunning horror video games ever created. Aside from its great visuals, it also has an enthralling story you will never forget. It follows the adventure of Joel as he tries to escort the young Ellie across a post-apocalyptic America filled with mutated humans infected with the Cordyceps fungus. The game is played in a third-person perspective and involves melee combats, gunfights, and stealth to survive. 

Dead Space

Dead Space takes zombie-killing into a whole new setting. It is set in the year 2508 and follows the story of Engineer Isaac Clarke as he embarks on a repair mission to fix a massive mining ship in outer space. Little did he know what monstrosity lies inside the ship. All the crew are dead and have been infected by the alien scourge, turning them into Necromorph enemies that he needs to kill to survive. The game was first released in 2008 and has sold over 2 million copies worldwide. It was quickly followed by its sequels Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3, which were published in 2011 and 2013.

Did your favorite zombie game make it on the list? Let us know in the comments below.

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