Genshin Impact Labyrinth Warriors Gameplay Guide

Genshin Impact Labyrinth Warriors is a new event in the game. During the event, you can obtain Aged Tokens upon completing the Mystic Onmyou Chamber. Travelers can use Aged Tokens to exchange Primogems, Crown of Insight, Character Level-Up Materials, Talent Level-Up Materials, Hero’s Wit, Mystic Enhancement Ore, and Mora in the event shop. If you meet all the requirements for Blazing Unison, you can exchange a number of Aged Tokens to invite “Blazing Riff” Xinyan (Pyro).

Check the Labyrinth Warriors gameplay guide:

Event Description
Labyrinth Warriors - Genshin Impact

The great gates of the bizarre and unpredictable Mystic Onmyou Chamber imprison fierce monsters within them.

Venture deep into this Domain by yourself and conquer the many perils within, assisting Shiki Taishou to retrieve the fragments of his memories, and you will be able to explore the past that has been sealed within the Domain — and obtain its various treasures in the meantime.

Event Duration
  • Gameplay Duration: 2021/10/21 10:00 – 2021/11/08 03:59 (Server Time)
  • Event Shop Duration: 2021/10/21 10:00 – 2021/11/15 03:59 (Server Time)

  • Adventure Rank 30 or above
  • And complete the Archon Quest “Chapter II: Act III – Omnipresence Over Mortals”

Event Summary
  • Complete the event quest “A Tricky Situation” to take part in the event.
  • From the first day of the event, a new challenge stage will unlock every three days. A total of five challenge stages will unlock.
  • Carry Shikifuda into the Mystic Onmyou Chamber to enlist the aid of Shiki Taishou, who will use Charm Magic and Shikifuda to help clear these challenges, which will help you obtain Damaged Replicas, Battered Shikifuda, and Aged Tokens.
  • Damaged Replicas can be used with Charm Magic to enhance Shiki Taishou’s abilities. Battered Shikifuda give Travelers buffs in the challenges. Aged Tokens are used to exchange in the event shop for Primogems, Crown of Insight, Character Level-Up Materials, Talent Level-Up Materials, Hero’s Wit, Mystic Enhancement Ore, and Mora.
  • During the event, clear the first four challenge stages for the first time to obtain Hero’s Wit and Mora rewards. Complete the specified tasks in Martial Trials to obtain Primogems, Hero’s Wit, Mora and other rewards. Meet all the requirements for Blazing Unison and exchange a number of Aged Tokens to invite “Blazing Riff” Xinyan (Pyro).
  • The Rending Absolution is a challenge stage, and you will not obtain Damaged Replicas or Aged Tokens after completing the trial.
  • Trials cannot initiate in Co-Op Mode.
  • Damaged Replicas, Battered Shikifuda, and Aged Tokens will automatically disappear once the event ends.

Labyrinth Warriors Gameplay Guide
  • Before initiating the trial, you must split the characters participating in the trial into two parties, the “Combat” and “Support” parties. Each character may only be in one of the two parties.
    • The “Combat” party will step up and fight first, while the “Support” team will serve as the substitute team.
  • Before initiating the trial, you may select 3 Shikifuda to carry with you from a selection of 9. You cannot change this selection while the trial is underway.
  • Before initiating the trial, you may consume Damaged Replicas to enhance Shiki Taishou’s Charm Magic. Charm Magic can provide you with powerful support during the trial.
  • You may use Shiki Taishou’s charm magic during trials to use the Shikifuda you have selected.
  • Every room of every trial will have its own corresponding Emplacement.
    • Activating an Arrayed Emplacement or a Ferocious Emplacement will trigger a battle in which you must defeat all your opponents. Complete these challenges to draw Charms.
    • When you have activated a Decisive Emplacement, a powerful boss opponent will appear. Completing this challenge on the first level of every trial will allow you to draw a Charm.
  • Every room of every trial will have its own corresponding Emplacement.
    • Activating a Curative Emplacement will allow you to heal members in both the Combat and Support parties, revive any fallen characters in your parties, or change party configurations.
  • Trials contain hidden traps known as Cursed Fields. Stepping into one such trap by accident can either cause an explosion or cause you to get afflicted by a Cursed Seal’s negative effects.
  • Click on the minimap to check the details of this current trial zone and ascertain the areas you have explored and the zones around them.
    • You may select “Leave for Now” when exiting a trial to save your current trial progress.
    • If you select “End Trial,” your current trial progress will reset.
  • Travelers can find Special Aegis Emplacements in trials. When they activate, they will automatically charge up while taunting nearby opponents to attack them.
  • Once they are fully charged, Aegis Emplacements will unleash a shockwave that will deal DMG to opponents in a set AoE. When Aegis Emplacements are destroyed, they will explode violently, dealing DMG to your active character.

Shifikuda Guide

Travelers can carry Shikifuda to help while in battle. The selection cannot change while the trial is underway.

Shikifuda: Seal of Fierce Flame
  • Creates a Flame Barrier. When you are within the barrier, your active character deals 60% increased DMG and takes 20% increased DMG. The barrier lasts for 12s.
    • Only one Flame Barrier can exist at any one time.
Shikifuda: Seal of Flashing Lightning
  • Creates a Lightning Barrier. Within it, your active character has 10% decreased CD for their Elemental Skills and Elemental Bursts.
    • Additionally, all party members will regenerate 4 Energy every 3s. The barrier lasts for 12s.
    • Only one Lightning Barrier can exist at any one time.
Shikifuda: Seal of Cataclysmic Wind
  • Creates a Wind Barrier. While within this barrier, the active character gains a great amount of extra jump height, 10% bonus ATK SPD and 10% bonus Movement SPD. The barrier lasts for 12s.
    • Only one Wind Barrier can exist at any one time.
Shikifuda: Streamsurge Summoning
  • Summons a Streamsurge Spirit that will continuously attack surrounding opponents, dealing one instance of AoE Hydro DMG every 2s. The spirit will remain on the field for 6s.
    • When the Streamsurge Spirit ends, it will explode and unleash a shockwave that deals AoE Hydro DMG before releasing Mist Bubbles to imprison 3 surrounding opponents. Imprisoned opponents receive 70% less healing for 10s.
    • Only one Streamsurge Spirit can exist at a time. If the only nearby opponent is one of a larger size, the Streamsurge Spirit will not release a Mist Bubble when it explodes.
Shikifuda: Snowstorm Summoning
  • Summons a Snowstorm Spirit that will continuously attack surrounding opponents, dealing one instance of AoE Cryo DMG every 2s. The spirit will remain on the field for 8s.
    • Opponents attacked by the Snowstorm Spirit will have their Physical and all Elemental RES decreased by 20% for 10s.
    • Only one Snowstorm Spirit can exist at a time.
Shikifuda: Strixwind Summoning
  • Summons a Strixwind Spirit that will continuously pull surrounding opponents. The spirit will remain on the field for 6s.
    • When the Strixwind Spirit duration ends, it will explode and unleash a shockwave that deals AoE Anemo DMG and launches opponents.
    • Only one Strixwind Spirit can exist at a time.
Shikifuda: Ensorcelled Waters
  • Restores 4,000 HP to all current party members and regenerates 800 HP and 20 Stamina every second for the next 5s.
Shikifuda: Bedrock
  • Increases active character’s resistance to interruption and decreases the DMG characters take by 50% for 12s.
Shikifuda: Thunder Orb
  • Unleashes a Thunder Orb that deals AoE Electro DMG. Every opponent hit will generate 2 extra Elemental Particles. A maximum of 6 Elemental Particles can be created in this way.

Labyrinth Warriors Trial
Labyrinth Warriors Trial

The domain is divided into two floors with multiple rooms on each floor.

After the trial begins, Travelers can use the map to find the room where the “Decisive Emplacement” ofthe current floor is located. Once the “Decisive Emplacement” challenge is complete, the player can proceed to the next floor. The trial is counted as complete if all the “Decisive Emplacement” challenges in the domain are successfully completed.

  • Click the Special Environment button (on the top-left corner next to the minimap).
  • Press the U key on PC, or L1 + Down arrow on PlayStation to check the details of the current trial zone and ascertain the areas to explore the surrounding rooms.

Labyrinth Warriors Rooms
  • Charm Emplacement – Draw a Charm.
  • Arrayed Emplacement – Trigger enemies to appear.
  • Ferocious Emplacement – Trigger enemies to appear.
  • Curative Emplacement – Heal characters, revive characters, configure team.
  • Decisive Emplacement – Summons a powerful enemy Leader.
  • Chest – Contains a treasure chest.
  • Start – Starting Room.

Labyrinth Warriors Charms

Whenever Arrayed Emplacement and Ferocious Emplacement challenges are completed, as well as the Decisive Emplacement for the first floor, the will be a chance to draw a Charm. Charms can provide various buffs for battle.

Travelers may also draw Charms from Charm Emplacements. When drawing for Charms, Cursed Seals may be encountered and thus suffer from their negative effects.

If there are no suitable Charms at the moment, Travelers can consume Battered Shikifuda for re-draws. Travelers can obtain Battered Shikifuda by completing the trial challenges.

Trials contain hidden traps known as Cursed Fields. Stepping into one such trap by accident can either cause an explosion. It can also cause the player to be afflicted by a Cursed Seal’s negative effects.

Charm Magic

Travelers will obtain Damaged Replicas for exploring the Domain as well as completing the challenges. Travelers can use Damaged Replicas to enhance Shiki Taishou’s Charm Magic on the event page for assistance in the trial.

Labyrinth Warriors Event Shop

Upon completing the trial challenges, you will obtain Aged Tokens. Travelers can exchange Aged Tokens for valuable rewards in the Event Shop:

Labyrinth Warriors - Event Shop

Additionally, if you complete the quest “Path of the Taishou” and obtain 4,000 Aged Tokens during the trials, you can exchange 1,000 Aged Tokens to invite “Blazing Riff” Xinyan (Pyro) to your party (can only be exchanged for once).

Labyrinth Warriors - Event Shop - Blazing Unison

Battle Pass Missions
Labyrinth Warriors - Battle Pass

This event added additional “This BP Period” Battle Pass missions to the Mystic Repose Battle Pass. The Battle Pass EXP (BP EXP) obtained from these missions do not count towards the weekly experience limit of 10,000 BP EXP.

  • Clear “The Ominous Demense” during the Labyrinth Warriors event without using any Curative Emplacements to heal characters.
    • Effect: 1,500 BP EXP
  • Upgrade “Charm Magic: Ingenuity” to the maximum level during the Labyrinth Warriors event.
    • Effect: 1,500 BP EXP
  • Clear “The Vengeful Wood” during the Labyrinth Warriors event with a party size no larger than 6.
    • Effect: 1,500 BP EXP

Genshin Impact Gameplay Summary
Genshin Impact - Gameplay Summary (1)
Genshin Impact - Gameplay Summary (2)
Genshin Impact - Gameplay Summary (4)
Genshin Impact - Gameplay Summary (5)
Genshin Impact - Gameplay Summary (6)

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